Here I am. Pared from time by an abstract eye,
held taught to the line of your gaze, turned slowly
in your head, a silvered body drifting
beneath your stare ,mouthing the layer of air you bring.
You make me stand in your image. You will sift
what you stand in. Your silt of memory, soul’s ballast,
and scent the outline of my absence.
Make no mistake, you will be mistaken.
this face is membrane merely, worn, blurred
by the weight of light it has to bear of this world.
It is light that gives meaning here, falling
across a cheek, bridge of the nose, the eye’s hollow in
these brief wisps of face, their mists and drifts
like some ghost hatched on this dark hiatus:
it is not memory that saves us but the gift
of forgetting. In this, I am reshaped, reforged.
This emptying brings an endless falling into grace
as you refill the vessel to the brim with your gaze -
by this , everything is changed, a world uncurling
on the iris. Keep looking. Keep looking.